Newbie to Newbie


Hello everyone!

Today I will briefly discuss the process of downloading Java software on a Microsoft system. I will include the resources I utilized to help make the process run smoothly. I will also go in-depth regarding the concepts and features of object-oriented programming (OOP).

Installing Java

The first thing you want to do is open your browser and go to (It is essential to verify that you are on the official Java website because a typo in the search bar will direct you to a malicious website.) Then click on ‘Java Download.’ This link will redirect you to another webpage that offers the actual download link. Make sure you verify the System Requirements to validate that your system can download the software. I used the following Installation Instructions link to help with the rest of the downloading process.

If you need visual instructions for downloading Java, check out the video tutorial by Geek Script! How to install Java JDK on Windows 10

Object-Oriented Programming

Object-oriented programming, or OOP, is a widely used concept in programming. Many modern-day programming languages, including Java, follow this principle. OOP is a programming style that relies on classes that combine a group of data attributes with functions or methods into a unit called an object. The four major principles that make a language object-oriented are Encapsulation, Data Abstraction, Polymorphism, and Inheritance (Raymondlewallen, 2005).

I’ll start by defining class and objects. A class is considered a conceptual design used to generate concrete objects. Classes generally represent broad categories like dogs or human beings. Basically, a class is just a design where everything is defined. For example, when we say we are human beings, we belong to that specific class. An object is a model of a class that has a physical existence. For example, I, Angelica, am an object of the human class. Essentially I am a type (or kind) of human.

 The definition of inheritance in OOP is very similar to the actual meaning. It means that subclasses can inherit items from the main class. For example, a female or male class can inherit traits from the human being class. This reduces the need to create a new class for each (female or male). Data abstraction means hiding (or making private) the essential details inside an object from the outside world. The binding of properties with functions in class or exposing only selected info is referred to as encapsulation. Encapsulation refers to defining some fields as private and some as public which adds security (Doherty, 2020). Polymorphism allows us to specify more than one way to do something by using a different process or by using other parts to do it. According to Doherty (2020), “polymorphism allows the same method to execute different behavior in two ways: method overriding and method overloading.” Overriding a subclass can provide a different meaning than its main class. In overriding methods or functions have the same name but a “different number of parameters passed into the method call,” which results in different outcomes, depending on the number of parameters passed (Doherty, 2020). Polymorphism allows class-specific behavior.


Doherty, E. (2020). What is Object Oriented Programming? OOP Explained in Depth. Retrieved from

Raymondlewallen. (2005). 4 major principles of object-oriented programming. Retrieved from


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