Operating System Theory and Design


Greetings all!

I have been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to take a course in operating systems theory and design which outlined the fundamental concepts that underlie an operating system. This course has helped me gain a greater understanding of the inner workings of a modern-day computer system. There are so many things that go on behind the scenes of using a computer! It is incredible how each feature in an operating system works together. I very excited to share with you the concepts and ideas behind what I learned.

During the five weeks of class, I developed a concept map which illustrates by cross connecting most of the features in a contemporary operating system, I will include the link below so you can check it out! The following section goes in depth about the features listed in the concept map. I hope you enjoy!


Link to concept map

Operating System

An operating system (OS) controls a computer system's essential functions and provides an environment for program execution (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014).  The most crucial roles of an operating system include the user interface, system calls, program execution, input/output operations, file systems, communications, resource allocation, accounting, error detection, and protection/security.

The user interface (UI) allows users to interact (exchange information) with the system using input and output devices such as display, keyboard, mouse, microphone, speaker, touchpad, etc. Several methods used to give commands to an OS include a command-line interpreter, graphical user interface (GUI), and batch. System calls provide the interaction between a process and the OS. The key categories of system calls include process control, file manipulation, device manipulation, information maintenance, communications, and protection (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014).

Program Execution is the process that loads a program to the main memory and allows execution. An operating system's input/output operation controls the data exchange between external devices (touchscreen, mouse, keyboard, etc.) to the main memory or register CPU (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014). The file system function is used to read and write files and directories within a computer system. This function creates files in the system and helps locate them. The communications function understands and performs commands that are input by the user or program. It translates the instructions into a language that the system can understand and then executes the results using shared memory or message passing (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014).

Additionally, resource allocation manages the system resources to manage its tasks appropriately. This function determines the best use of the CPU routine by considering CPU speed, number of tasks, number of registers, etc. The accounting function keeps track of the resources used by system users for billing or usage statistics. This feature is valuable for researchers looking to reconfigure the system to improve computing services. The error detection component detects and corrects errors in the CPU, memory hardware, input/output devices, and user programs. It serves as a way to ensure correct and consistent use of a system. The protection/security feature helps secure and protect the operating system internally and externally (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014). It ensures that all access to the system is controlled.

It is important to note that not all operating systems are identical. A common approach in OS structure is "to partition the task into small components, or modules, rather than having one monolithic system" (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014, Pg.78). The standard methods of OS design include the simple structure, the layered approach, microkernels, modules, and hybrid systems. While many of these structures are complex and challenging to manage, the module approach is considered the "best current methodology for operating system design" (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014). In a modular operating system, the systems are divided into different processes, each with its own interface. This approach is beneficial in the sense of system failure. Instead of the whole system being affected during a failure, only the failed process is affected since each process runs independently. The main components of a modular OS are loadable kernel modules with their own memory space. According to Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne (2014), the modular approach provides core services while the other services are implemented dynamically while the kernel is operating. This type of design is common in modern UNIX systems such as Solaris, Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.


In computing, a process refers to a program in execution (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014). Characteristics of a process include the program counter, process stack, registers, and the program code (only the text section). When a program is in execution, its state changes depending on what the current action this. The process states include new, ready, running, waiting, and terminated (as shown in the image below).


New- The process is being executed or in the stage of creation.

Ready- The process is ready to be assigned to a processor.

Running- The instructions are being executed.

Waiting- The process is waiting for an event to occur, such as input/output.

Terminated- The process has finished its execution.

According to Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne (2014), "each process is represented in the operating system by a process control block (PCB). The process control block includes the process state, process number, program counter, registers, scheduling information, memory limits, and a list of open files. As mentioned above, the process state may be new, ready, running, waiting, and terminated. The process number represents the number of processes, and the program counter shows the address of the next instruction that must be carried out. The registers specify the number of registers used by the process, including accumulators, index registers, stack pointers, general-purpose registers, and condition code information (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014). Suppose there is an interruption in the program counter. The process state is stored until it is fixed and ready to carry out properly. CPU scheduling information includes the processes priority, scheduling queues, and other parameters. The list of open files is the files related to the process in execution.  


A thread is a unit of processing performed within an operating system. Threads exist within a process (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014). A single thread process is structured to execute one operation at a time. If there are additional requests, the system waits until the current process is carried out and terminated, then begins the following process. A multi-thread process is designed to execute multiple instructions at the same time. Multithreaded models are more efficient and yield higher performance than single-threaded models since the process instructions are carried out simultaneously. In this model, if a thread fails or gets blocked, the remaining threads continue running.

Critical Section

The critical section is a code where processes gain access to shared variables (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014). One key idea of the critical section is that only one process can access its critical section at a time. So, when multiple processes are attempting to access the same resources at once, problems arise. The diagram located on the image above (labeled critical section problem) shows how a process requests permission to enter its critical section (located in the entry section) and obtains the resources needed for it to execute—then followed by the exit section, which handles the process exiting from the critical section. The exit section releases the required resources and then informs the other processes that the critical section is open. The techniques to solve the problem related to the critical section include mutual exclusion, progress, and bound waiting.  Mutual exclusion suggests that only one process should be in its critical section at a given time. If more processes require its critical section, they must wait until the section is free. Progress means that if there are no processes in the critical section, it is free for other processes to enter the critical section. Bounded waiting means that each process has a limited waiting time or should not wait continuously to access the critical section.


According to Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne (2014), "memory is central to the operation of a modern computer system" (Pg. 325). Initially, computer systems used the single user contiguous method. In this method, a single process used the entire physical memory (RAM) to execute a job, and once the memory was clear, another task was able to be performed. This method proved to be inefficient and time-consuming since jobs could not be executed in parallel. To achieve an efficient multi-processing system, a computer system needs a hardware device called a memory management unit (MMU) that helps control and organize virtual memory (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014).

Virtual Address

In simple words, the virtual memory scheme allows a program to think it is the only programming running by having access to the entire address space. So, if a computer's physical memory is only 32 GB, and the executed processes exceed that amount, the tasks could still be carried out efficiently (using virtual memory). While a systems CPU generates the virtual address space, the memory unit generates the physical address space. A virtual address space is the collection of all the virtual addresses produced by a program, and the physical address space is the collection of all physical addresses created by a program (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014). Both are the same in compile time and in load time; however, they are different in execution time.  The image below shows the virtual address being converted into physical memory using a memory management system. It also offers the multi-step processing of a user program.

In the MMU scheme, processes are mapped using the virtual address to the physical memory, based on their number of bytes. The amount in the relocation register is added to every address produced by the user (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014). For instance, the image above that illustrates a system that contains a memory management unit. The user process generates the logical address (343), which is then added to the relation register (14000). When sent to the memory, the relocation register converts the virtual address to a physical address (14346). This scheme is beneficial because each process is self-contained, meaning it does not write over other apps. Instead, each task has its own virtual address space with a range of 0 to max (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014) split up in the memory space. The MMU and the OS work together to ensure that each address arrives in the correct location in physical RAM.

File Management

Another essential component of an operating system is how it organizes its files. According to Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne (2014), "the file systems provide a mechanism for on-line storage and access to both the data and programs residing on a disk" (Pg. 26). The operations that must be performed on files include creating, updating, reading, deleting, searching, and protecting files. In most cases, using directories provides a "useful way to segregate files into groups and manage and act on those groups" (Pg. 492). Data stored in a directory include name, location, size, position, protection usage, and type. The variety of directories that exists are the single-level directory, two-level directory, tree-structured directory, acyclic graph directory, and a general graph directory. The structure of each directory type is explained in the image below. 

Types of Directories

The single-level directory is considered the most straightforward structure (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014). All of the files are included in the same directory making it easier to understand; however, when the number of files increases or there are various users, all the files within the directory must be unique, so choosing file names may be tricky. The two-level directory creates a separate directory location for each user so the same file name could be identical for different users; however, users cannot have duplicate file names. Each of the user's files is located within their own directory by searching the master directory file. This scheme does not allow users to share, read, write or delete other users' files, and it is also not scalable.

In contrast, the tree-structured directory has each user has its own directory, and users are not allowed to enter the other user's directory. Although users could read the root directory, they could not write it. Only the system administrator can modify the root directory. The main problem with this directory scheme is that sharing files may be an issue since the exact duplicate files cannot exist in multiple directories. In the acyclic graph, directory structure file sharing is possible since multiple directories can link to a similar file. An issue with this structure is if a file is connected to a subdirectory, problems may arise when attempting to delete the file. The general graph directory is considered the most flexible structure because it can create a cycle where multiple directories can be accessed using a central directory. The type of directory of a system depends largely on the anticipated number of users and storage requirements.  


Another critical component of an operating system is its protection and security. One primary goal of system protection/security is to prevent malicious misuse of a computer system (Silberschatz, A., Galvin, P. B., & Gagne, G, 2014). It is important to remember that although protection and security are associated, they are separate entities. Protection focuses extensively on the internal threats of a computer system which refers to regulating program access, processes, or available resource for users. It focuses on making sure systems operate using the principle of least privilege, which states that programs, users, and procedures be given just enough rights to perform their intended task, nothing more (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014).

Principle of Least Privilege

 According to Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne (2014), the principle of least privilege ensures that its programs, system calls, and data structure failures do the least amount of harm and allow the least amount of damage to be done (P. 602). Using this principle in computer systems involves creating separate accounts for each system user that contain individualized authorizations needed to get their job done. For example, a user required to read the contexts of a file but not allowed to modify the file will only have permission to read and not write or execute the file. This scheme enables the system to be highly secure while providing the flexibility needed for a multi-user system. Protection can be accomplished using the domain of protection mechanism and an access matrix. A protection domain structure specifies the resources that a process can use.

Protection domains

For example, the image above shows a system with three protection domains (D1, D2, and D3). Domain 1 consists of the object and its access rights. Read and write operations can be performed on O3 and O1; however, O2 has the ability to execute. Some domains may be singular; however, domains can overlap. The following domains (D2 and D3) have their own permissions; however, they overlap and share the access right to print. According to (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014), the association between process and domain may be static or dynamic. If the association is fixed, then we use the need-to-know principle to change the contents of the domain dynamically. If the relation is dynamic, then there needs to be a way to switch the domain.

Access Matrix

            According to Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne (2014), the protection model can be viewed as an access matrix where columns represent system resources and rows represent protection domains. The entries in the matrix indicate what privileges the domain has concerning the given resource.

For example, (considering the image above) D1 gives access for read to be carried out on objects F1 and F3. D2 permits for print to be carried out on object printing. D3 allows read to be carried out on object F2. It also gives access for execute to be carried out on F3. D4 gives access for read/write to be performed on objects F1 and F3. According to Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne (2014), domain switching can easily be supported under this model by providing the switch access to other domains.


Security in a modern computer system focuses on a system external vulnerabilities like breaches of confidentiality, integrity, availability, theft of services, or denial of services. Security refers to protecting system resources such as the CPU, memory disk, programs, and data/information (Silberschatz, Galvin, & Gagne, 2014). If an unauthorized user uses a computer, there is a chance that the user may cause severe damage to the system itself or the data stored by the authorized user. A computer system must be protected against unauthorized user access, malicious access to the system memory, viruses, worms, etc. A way to prevent unauthorized user access is to use a password or passcode to get into the computer system itself. It is also essential to prevent a security breach against viruses and worms. The best way to secure your system against these attacks is by activating a firewall or purchasing software that blocks malicious access from network activity. Systems users must regularly update their security software to prevent an attack that may compromise their data/files and harm their computer.

Final Thought

Understanding the fundamentals and goals of each component in an operating system will be beneficial for my future courses and career since I am studying and planning to work in the technology field. Understanding the magic behind how operating systems run and how each component links to one another will help me become a better software programmer by establishing the different and more efficient ways to modify and improve applications and software. I must admit that CPT 304 was challenging at times; however, its helped me become more familiar with the distinct components designer choose and why they choose them. Although the course was mainly based on computer systems, the information given drew a picture of how all operating systems function. Now when I glance at my smartphone, smartwatch, thermostat, and even my washer, I understand how they function from a more profound point of view. 


Silberschatz, A., Galvin, P. B., & Gagne, G. (2014). Operating system concepts essentials (2nd ed.). Retrieved from https://redshelf.com/



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